Kai Zenner
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🌟 Exciting Event Alert! 🌟
Looking to dive into insightful discussions on AI and ethical applications on a global stage? Look no further than the upcoming events hosted by GlobalAI Association! 🤖✨
ℹ️ Learn more and register for the upcoming conferences and meetings in Geneva


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Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with prominent decision-makers and experts, expand your horizons, and be a part of shaping the future of AI governance and ethics. 🚀💡



✨Thrilled to announce that Kai Zenner, Head of Cabinet to MEP Axel Voss and key actor in the EU AI Act negotiations, will be honoring our upcoming event as the keynote speaker! 🎤

📔 The EU AI Act stands as a significant piece of regional governance on AI, aiming to regulate the development and use of Artificial Intelligence within the European Union.
🚀 While Kai Zenner shares insights and strategies underpinning the EU AI Act, let’s engage in a collective exploration of how this legislative milestone could serve as a blueprint for inspiring similar regulations worldwide and ascend to a global platform. Together, let’s envision the future of AI governance and its potential impact on a global scale. 🌐



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